Certification Training
Our ultimate purpose is to give HS students a chance to earn more than a diploma at graduation. We will providing instruction and training opportunities for CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) and CompTIA A+ certifications
Hands-On Training
Program provides hands-on practical experience by building desktops or laptops from SCRATCH. Students participating in Project WHICH WAY will not only have the opportunity to earn industry-standard certifications, but also gain a sense responsibility while developing vocational skills and increasing their self-confidence and pride.
Community Outreach
We love helping our community grow. Your students and our technology partners will enjoy using these computers to install state-of-the-art computer labs in churches, recreation centers, schools…..simply everywhere to help our community members learn and grow.
Employment Assistance
Students will gain opportunity to use their new skills to maintain and manage computer labs in an apprenticeship environment. Students will gains real-world experience as a Technology Specialist, System Administrator, Network Technician and much more!